

GM-CASE 6 Tuesday,March 13th ,2023 March 13th, 2023 CASE scenario.... Hi, I am G Sukanya, 3rd year bds student. This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.                               CASE HISTORY  Patient details  A 27 years old male Resident of kodhada,occupation by chef presented with the  Chief complaint of Generalized weakness/Giddiness all over the body  and gradually progressive ,fatigability and Shortness of breathe since 1 month. History of present illness  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month back and then had Generalized weakness/Giddiness all over the body which is insidious in onset and gradually progressive in nature. Easy fatigability, and Shortness of breathe which is Grade 1 in onset and gradually progressed to Grade 2 that is ,Patient was having dyspnoea in rest position.  Weakness, fatigability, breathlessness are aggrievated by walking and while d


GM-CASE 5 Tuesday,March 7th ,2023 March 7th, 2023 CASE scenario.... Hi, I am G Sukanya, 3rd year bds student. This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.                      CASE HISTORY  Patient details  A 21 years old male Resident of choutuppal ,occupation by a  student presented with the Chief complaint of Pain near the chest region followed by severe pain near the abdominal region since  2 week. Multiple episodes[30-40 times] of vomiting and breathlessness Since 2 days . Present illness  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 weeks back then had pain near the chest region and  followed by pain near the epigastric and umbilicus region which is insidious in onset and gradually progressive.....pain type dull thrombing . And patient is having multiple episodes of vomiting, that is 30-40 times  per day since 2 days before coming to hospital.... Vomiting characteristics : 1)No


GENERAL MEDICINE March 3rd, 2023 GM- CASE 4 Friday, March 3rd 2023 3rd March 2023 CASE scenario.... Hi, I am G Sukanya 3rd year bds student. This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.   Case History  A 48 years old male Resident of kurumarthi,work as daily labour presented with the  Chief Complaint of Abdominal pain and Constipation along with abdominal distension/Swelling since one month  History of present  illness  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month back but suddenly had severe Abdominal pain with Abdominal distension/Swelling due to bloating òf gas and constipation  without bowel movement even a single day. Abdominal pain is dull aching type that radiated to backwards and this pain is aggrievated by eating food and relieved on medication...and the patient was unable to lift the weight as that he does in labour work. so,he came to hospital for treatment due to se


  GENERAL MEDICINE  February 21st,2023 GM-CASE 2 Tuesday,21st February 2023 21st February 2023 Case scenario.... Hi I am G sukanya, 3rd bds student. This is an online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking her consent. This reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.  Case history :  A 65 years old female Resident of Nirmal presented with the Chief Complaint of Shortness of breathe and patient is having edema of feet since 1 week . Present illness Patient was apparently normal 1 week back and then had Shortness of breathe and pedal edema and brought to the hospital and diagnosed as chronic kidney failure. And only two episodes of dialysis is completed.  Past illness  hypokalemia is present and she is using medicine to increase the level of potassium. Personal  history  1)Diet:mixed diet  2)apetite:loss of apetite  3)sleep:inconvenience in sleeping  4)Bowel:regular bowel 5)Micturition:Regular micturition  Family  history  Diabetes:No Hypertension:No Genera


GENERAL MEDICINE  February 28,2023 GM CASE 3 Monday,28 February 2023 28 February 2023 CASE Scenario..... Hi ,I am G Sukanya, 3rd bds student.This is an online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio                    CASE HISTORY Patient details  A 50 years old male  Resident of chityala presented with Chief complaint of Decreased urine output since 1 week  History of present illness Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week back,then had Decreased urine output and constipation from 1 week and brought to hospital for Daignosis and treatment..... History Past illness 1) 5 years back he came to the hospital because of bloody stools and discomfort or pain and swelling in anal region and Daignosed as external Haemorrhoids.  2) He was daignosed with Hiatus   Hernia  12 years back because of severe pain near the oesophageal end while Eating and  had undergone surgery immediately..... 3)  12 year


 GENERAL MEDICINE  February 14,2023 GM-CASE 1 Tuesday, 14 February 2023 14 February 2023 CASE scenario... Hi I m G sukanya, 3rd bds student.this is an online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking his consent .This reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.  CASE HISTORY:A 38 years old known case Resident of Ratnapuram presented with the  CHIEF COMPLAINTS:Shortness of breathe and edema  of  feet from 2 months HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week back and then had SOB and pedal edema and brought to the hospital for dialysis,only one episode of dialysis is done. PAST ILLNESS :  It was apparently normal 2 years back then had an accident and then taken into the hospital and found to be suffering with chronic kidney disease and it is relieved by medicine,clinidipine and hypertension is present.  PERSONAL HISTORY:mixed diet,loss of apetite and inconvenience in sleeping due to gastric problem,constipation and proper micturition